Animating Objects with Poetry - Free on Google Meet - Sponsored by Prattsville Art Center
1:00 PM13:00

Animating Objects with Poetry - Free on Google Meet - Sponsored by Prattsville Art Center

Animating Objects with Poetry ~ Free on Google Meet!

2 hour Workshop, Saturday March 1st 2025, 1-3PM EST.  

Sponsored by The Prattsville Art Center, NY.

There are many objects around us each day some are very interesting and catch our eye, others are mundane so we ignore. Yet we can give voice to the ones we choose and create fabulous poems that speak loud & clear. World Known Poets: Maggie Dietz, Hafiz, Sylvia Plath, Kabir, Charles Simic and others embodied objects that can teach us so much.

Kabir writes: Visiting Holy Shrines

If you circumambulated every holy shrine in the world ten times, it would not get you to heaven as quick as controlling your anger.

This 2-hour workshop includes Guided Meditation, Poetry from world known poets from the East & West, Creative writing with prompts, reflection, sharing, & group discussion. Register by writing to

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Poetry Offerings: Spring Sings - (Free Poetry Workshop)
1:00 PM13:00

Poetry Offerings: Spring Sings - (Free Poetry Workshop)

Poetry Offerings: April Sings Saturday, April 5th 1-3PM EST

Sponsored by The Prattsville Art Center NY Free on Google Meet

"Poetry Offerings: April Sings" A 2 hour workshop of guided meditation, poetry reading of world known poets, creative writing, sharing & group discussion. We will begin our search for the gems of Spring: the rain, the mud, the buds, the hopes, the love, the awareness of our new surroundings and draw inspiration from Nikki Giovanni, Ernest Dowson, Alicia Ostriker, Mary Oliver and others for our own creations and offerings. All writing levels welcome! Register by writing to

Here’s a poem to feast on.  Happy Poetry Month!

Spring by Maeng Sa-Song (1417-1437)

 As spring enters this land of rivers and lakes,

without reason I feel mad delight.

In festive mood, a banquet is laid
    of freshly caught fish and country wines.

This body’s leisure is a debt
    we owe to our great king.


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Come, Be My Love - Free Authentic Poetry Workshop - Sponsored by Prattsville Art Center
1:00 PM13:00

Come, Be My Love - Free Authentic Poetry Workshop - Sponsored by Prattsville Art Center

Come, Be My Love - Authentic Poetry - Free on Google Meet

Sponsored by The Prattsville Art Center NY.
Saturday, February 1st, 1-3PM EST.

I want you to have this, all the beauty in my eyes, all the grace of my mouth, all the splendor of my strength, all the wonder of the musk parts of my body, for are we not talking about real love, real love? ~ Mirabai (c. 1498-1550)

Join me in this Free Authentic Poetry workshop all about love!! Whether it is being in love, or recalling how special or challenging love can be, we will focus on relationships that have been loving and their significance and imprint left in our heart.

…No one kicks a good lover out of bed unless they know they have two more on the way over. ~Tukaram (c.1608-1649)

World known poets from the East & West: Mirabai, Donika Kelly, Onono Komachi, Izumi Shikibu, Rabia of Basra, Robert Frost, Tukaram and others will be a beacon to guide us through cherishing our own practice of being grounded in love. Enjoy Guided Meditation, poetry reading of world known poets, creative writing with prompts, group discussion, reflection in a friendly circle of creatives. All writing levels welcome! Register by writing to

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Poetic Resolutions - Sponsored by Prattsville Art Center - Free on Google Meet
1:00 PM13:00

Poetic Resolutions - Sponsored by Prattsville Art Center - Free on Google Meet

Poetic Resolutions is a workshop that will create space for reflecting on the goals and dreams we want to focus our gentle attention on for the new year. It’s really about becoming more aware of how we’re living and whether we want to readjust our thoughts, patterns and habits. We will Increase our level of awareness in a compassionate way for the new year. World known poets: Ha Jin, Amy Ludwig Vanderwater, Donna Ashworth and others will serve as inspiration for reflection, writing, and sharing. Enjoy guided meditation, poetry reading & writing with creative prompts, group discussion in a safe, supportive atmosphere! See you in our welcoming circle of creatives!
Register by writing to

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Winter Solstice: Gladness Among Darkness Free Authentic Poetry Workshop!
1:00 PM13:00

Winter Solstice: Gladness Among Darkness Free Authentic Poetry Workshop!

Sponsored by The Prattsville Art Center NY

Let's celebrate Winter Solstice with a fun Free Authentic Poetry workshop! Saturday December 7th, 1-3PM EST

Explore poetry from world known poets: Nadia Colburn, Oscar Gonzales, Susan Cooper, Patricia Monaghan & others. Relax with guided meditation, and free write with creative prompts and enjoy discussion in a warm circle of creatives. All writing levels welcome!

Register by writing to

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Reher Center for Immigrant Culture & History  - Book Reading - Coral in The Diaspora!
1:00 PM13:00

Reher Center for Immigrant Culture & History - Book Reading - Coral in The Diaspora!

101 Broadway, Kingston, NY.

Please join me for a reading & discussion of my book Coral in The Diaspora on Sunday November 24th at 1-2PM

Contact the Reher Center to register & save your space. or 845-481-3738

So looking forward to experiencing a reading at such an important historical space! Joy, Jerrice

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Radio Interview with Kingston Happenings - Monday November 11th at 9PM
9:00 PM21:00

Radio Interview with Kingston Happenings - Monday November 11th at 9PM

I will be joining Kevin Godbey the host of Kingston Happenings in Kingston, NY, to share details of the upcoming reading of my book Coral in The Diaspora at The Reher Center in Kinston, NY on Sunday November 24th from 1-2PM.

The radio interview will be on Monday November 11th from 9-10PM on WKNY 1490 AM or streamed live on Radio Kingston. Kevin and I will also discuss my background & experience as a Poet & Author and I will read some unique poems from Coral in The Diaspora, giving a taste of the reading to come at The Reher Center in Kingston, NY. I hope you will tune in for the show! Joy, Jerrice

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Beauty in The Mystery - Authentic Poetry - Free on Google Meet
1:00 PM13:00

Beauty in The Mystery - Authentic Poetry - Free on Google Meet

Saturday, November 2nd 1- 3PM (EST)

Sponsored by the Prattsville Art Center NY

Do you need to know it all or can you handle knowing as it unfolds? There’s so much in the mystery of life that is beautiful.  The surprises can be just as uplifting as knowing definite things.  …And do we ever really know how it will turn out….the things that will happen?  For today, let’s celebrate, honor, feel wiser because of the mystery. Poets: Robert Bly, Paul Homes, Penny Harter and others give us a glimpse of their understanding of the mystery and its beauty. Enjoy guided meditation, poetry reading, creative writing, sharing, and group discussion.  This 2 hour workshop which will gather on Google Meet.  Register by writing an email to  

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Become Glorious Autumn - Lion Eyes Books ~ Authentic Poetry Workshop
1:00 PM13:00

Become Glorious Autumn - Lion Eyes Books ~ Authentic Poetry Workshop

Lion Eyes Books ~ 66 Main St, Stamford, NY 12167

Sunday October 20th 1-3PM

Autumn sparks changes in nature and in us. The subtle changes of acorns thumping the earth, each day is a dance of intimate color of leaves captivating us. How are we like the rich season of Autumn? How do we embrace this season?  What qualities do we have in common with Autumn?  In this workshop we will look closely at the subtle changes in us and in nature. How our thoughts like leaves float in the wind.  We will search for the perfect soft places to land.   Poets like Wendell Berry, Saigyo, Carolyn Riker, Joy Harjo, Ki no Tomonori, Amanda Newbery and others will spark the scents, tastes, sights that we admire so much about autumn. $25 for this 2 hour workshop includes guided meditation appropriate for the season, creative writing with prompts, reflection, sharing & group discussion. I hope to welcome you in our circle of poets and meditators! Relax, Become glorious like the new season! Register by writing to

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Lion Eyes Books ~ Reading & Conversations with Authors - Sandra Arnone & Jerrice J Baptiste
2:00 PM14:00

Lion Eyes Books ~ Reading & Conversations with Authors - Sandra Arnone & Jerrice J Baptiste

Lion Eyes Books - Reading & Conversations with Authors:

Sandra Arnone ~Necessity of Snow & Breathless Soul

Jerrice J Baptiste ~ Coral in The Diaspora & Wintry Mix

Q & A with Refreshments served

No pre-registration required - 66 Main St, Stamford NY 12167

Questions: Contact:

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Colors of Autumn Meditation - Authentic Poetry Workshop
1:00 PM13:00

Colors of Autumn Meditation - Authentic Poetry Workshop

Free Authentic Poetry Workshop - Sponsored by Prattsville Art Center NY! Saturday October 5th, 1-3PM EST

Auburn, Amber, Crimson, mustard yellow, eggplant purple are among the many various colors of Autumn that come into our lives. What colors appeal to you and why? What energy centers do they awaken in you or invigorate? In this workshop, we will explore through guided meditation, reading poetry from world known poets from the East & West: Matsuo Basho, January Gill O’Neil, Marilyn Chin, Bruce Weigl, Emily Jungmin Yoon, Paul Lawrence Dunbar and others to serve as inspiration for your own writing and discovery of which activities of Autumn you can embrace based on the colors that attract you. Open your mind, Lift a pen, & write effortlessly. Autumn is the perfect season to start a meditation & creative writing practice in a loving circle! Register by writing to

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Before You Fall Asleep - Free Authentic Poetry Workshop
1:00 PM13:00

Before You Fall Asleep - Free Authentic Poetry Workshop

Before You Fall Asleep - Sponsored by The Prattsville Art Center NY

Saturday September 7th, 1-3PM EST

So much can be revealed before we fall asleep. Memories may sneak in of experiences that can only be considered precious, memorable, worth talking about. Poems by Tennessee Williams, Edna St. Vincent Millay, Gwendolyn Brooks, St Teresa of Avila and others give us a sharp look into their minds before sleep. This workshop meets on Google Meet, includes guided meditation, poetry reading, writing, sharing and group discussion.
All writing levels welcome!
To register write to

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Summer's Dance - Authentic Poetry Workshop - Sponsored by Prattsville Art Center
1:00 PM13:00

Summer's Dance - Authentic Poetry Workshop - Sponsored by Prattsville Art Center

Saturday August 3rd, 1-3PM EST - Free on Google Meet

Summer’s Dance offers us a chance to explore the tastes, smells, sounds and sights of summer from incredibly gifted world known poets: James Baldwin, Li Bai, Nikki Giovanni, Pablo Neruda, Claude McKay and others. Enjoy guided meditation, creative writing with prompts, Sharing and group discussion. Breathe & live a little easier! It’s Summertime!

Register by writing to

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The Letters - Authentic Poetry Workshop - Mountain Top Library - Tannersville, NY.
12:00 PM12:00

The Letters - Authentic Poetry Workshop - Mountain Top Library - Tannersville, NY.

Have you ever opened an old shoe box and revisited the letters and postcards that were sent to you or letters exchanged with an old pen pal? In this workshop, we get to explore the meaning of letters sent and received in our lives.  We also get to write poems, letters to someone dear.  Poems by Trapeta B. Mayson, Sharon Olds and others will create a stepping stone to writing our own valuable messages.

Please register directly with the library! 6093 Main St, Tannersville, NY 518- 589- 5707

All writing levels welcome! See you at the library!

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The Universe - Authentic Poetry workshop - Mountain Top Library - Tannersville, NY.
10:00 AM10:00

The Universe - Authentic Poetry workshop - Mountain Top Library - Tannersville, NY.

Whether we are aware of it we are part of a vast universe.  Wordless, silent, outspoken we play a role.  We also get to explore the moon, the stars, the sun in our poems and how we relate to them.  Poems by Tracy K. Smith, Kabir, Steven Schnur and others will offer their own connection to the universe which will help you embrace yours.

 Please register directly with the Library

6093 Main St, Tannersville, NY. 518 589- 5707

All writing levels welcome! See you at the library!

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I Fly - Authentic Poetry Workshop - Mountain Top Library
11:00 AM11:00

I Fly - Authentic Poetry Workshop - Mountain Top Library

Mountain Top Library - Tannersville, NY

I fly is a workshop that allow us to connect to wings, planes, dreams.  Poems by Elizabeth Bishop, Patricia Hooper, John Gillespie Magee Jr. Dolores Hayden and others will serve as inspiration for freeing your own poems.  

Please register with the library directly!

6093 Main St, Tannersville, NY. 518- 589- 5707 Hope to see you there!

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Soaring on Wings of Memory - Authentic Poetry Workshop
1:00 PM13:00

Soaring on Wings of Memory - Authentic Poetry Workshop

Authentic Poetry workshop - Free on Google Meet.
Saturday July 6th, 1-3PM EST
Sponsored by The Prattsville Art Center, NY.

What are your most precious memories? How have you expressed and honored them? Memories are like feathers layered upon wings. World known poets Dana Naone Hall, Joy Harjo, Lola Ridge, Joyce Peseroff and others will give us insight into how remembering and giving voice to our experiences can help us take off and soar. This 2-hour workshop includes guided meditation, poetry reading, creative writing with prompts, reflection, sharing and group discussion. Become lighter in mind, body & spirit in a safe circle of poets. All writing levels welcome! Register by writing to

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Blossoms & More Wisdom - Free Authentic Poetry Workshop
1:00 PM13:00

Blossoms & More Wisdom - Free Authentic Poetry Workshop

Blossoms & More Wisdom - Sponsored by Prattsville Art Center, NY.

Authentic Poetry Workshop: Blossoms & More Wisdom

Jerrice J. Baptiste - Facilitator


Late Spring blossoms leads to the beginning of full Summer deliciousness of fruits and more wisdom from the East & West. World known poets: Li Young Lee, Ellen Bass, Lao Tzu, Wendy Cope, Julia Fehrenbacher and others shed light on how to be even more grounded in the natural world during this unfolding gorgeous season. What are the blossoms of your heart, and in your hands? This nourishing Authentic Poetry Workshop includes: guided meditation, creative writing with prompts, sharing in a circle of poets, and discussion. This free workshop takes place on Google Meet.  All levels of writing welcome!!!   

 Register by writing to

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A Poem Calls Me - Authentic Poetry Workshop - Free on Google Meet!
1:00 PM13:00

A Poem Calls Me - Authentic Poetry Workshop - Free on Google Meet!

A Poem Calls Me – Saturday, May 4th 1-3 PM EST, Free Google Meet!
Free on Google Meet!
Sponsored by The Prattsville Art Center & Residency, NY!

Is there a poem inside of you that needs space to be created? A Poem Calls Me is a two-hour workshop on how to welcome the muse again. Creating space for your inner voice without the inner critic swallowing that which is beautiful. Through guided meditation, reflection, poetry reading of world known poets, sharing & group discussion we will simply create space for poems to be born.
What have you wanted to write about but keep putting it off? Do you have a phrase, a fragmented sentence, an image that you’ve carried, but now you feel ready to write this poem, free verse, stream of consciousness writing or through a form.
This workshop is about those: one word, one line, one phrase, one image, you’ve tucked away in memory, in your journal, on a piece of napkin by your lamp table, or in your jacket’s pocket. Bring them alive in this workshop! Create space and finally let it see the light of day!!!

What Do Poets Do When Sun Comes Through?

What do poets do when sun comes through?

They sculpt beauty that inspires.
Words of hope to cope.

Wake up! Sun is coming through.
Hope is rising too.

Heat in Winter
Natural elixir

Mind unfolds when sun comes through.

(From the poetry book: Wintry Mix – Jerrice J. Baptiste 2014)

Let your mind unfold, given the time, the attention, the intention. World Known Poets: Richard Jones, Jane Hirshfield, Tom Sleigh, Billy Collins and others have had poems that called them and just like you they created the space. They will inspire us to write. Begin or finish the poem that you’ve been cradling in your mind or eyeing just one line on the page. Bring it to life with the Authentic Poetry process!!! Register by writing to Hope to see you in our circle of poets, a non-judgmental atmosphere. No previous writing or meditating experience necessary to enjoy this workshop and others.
~Joy, Jerrice

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A Gentle Tune Waking up Your Universe - Hunter Public Library  - Free Workshop
2:00 PM14:00

A Gentle Tune Waking up Your Universe - Hunter Public Library - Free Workshop

A Gentle Tune Waking Up Your Universe- Wed. April 24th, 2-4PM

Music the great healer merges with poetry by Rumi, Cass Adams, Rabia, Zsuzsanna Budapest, and other poets to nurture your body, psyche and soul.  Discover the poetry about music that can create a sanctuary in you as you work, and then rest.  Enjoy writing with ease as you integrate the sounds around you.  What better way to wake up with positive energy than to appreciating poetry intermingled with music. This workshop includes guided meditation, poetry from world known poets, creative writing with prompts, sharing & group discussion.

Register directly with the Library - 518 -263- 4655 /

Funded by Poets & Writers - New York Council on The Arts

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A Practice of Self-Tolerance - Hunter Public Library - April 17th, 2024, 2-4PM  Free Workshop
2:00 PM14:00

A Practice of Self-Tolerance - Hunter Public Library - April 17th, 2024, 2-4PM Free Workshop

A Practice of Self Tolerance – Free workshop - Hunter Public Library - Wednesday April 17th, 2024, 2-4 PM

You are rising to a new level of consciousness at each age.  Remembering to strive for self-tolerance not to judge yourself harshly is a practice. Poetry by Kabir, Walt Whitman, Saigyo, Marianne Bonita Fogg Smith, St. Catherine of Siena, and others will be a beacon to self-appreciation and nurturance and gentle mindfulness as you engage in daily life. This workshop includes guided meditation, poetry from world known poets, creative writing with prompts, sharing & group discussion.

 Register directly with the Library - 518-263-4655 or

Funded by Poets & Writers - New York Council on The Arts

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When Someone Deeply Listens To You! - Hunter Public Library - Hunter NY  - Free Workshop
2:00 PM14:00

When Someone Deeply Listens To You! - Hunter Public Library - Hunter NY - Free Workshop

When Someone Deeply Listens to You!

Wed. April 10th, 2024, 2-4PM

It’s amazing when we feel heard and validated in our communications with others.  When Someone Deeply Listens to You is a transformative experience.  In this free workshop we will aim towards practicing good, effective listening so that we can feel nurtured.  Poets like Marilyn Nelson, John Fox, Mary- Elizabeth Cotton, Rumi, and others have shared their experiences in their poems about listening which helps us to better serve others and meet our own needs as well.  This free workshop includes guided meditation, poetry from world known poets, creative writing with prompts, sharing & group discussion.

Register directly with Hunter Public Library - 518- 263-4655 or

Funded by Poets & Writers - New York Council on The Arts

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- Authentic Poetry  Workshop - As Wild As Forsythia - Free on Google Meet
1:00 PM13:00

- Authentic Poetry Workshop - As Wild As Forsythia - Free on Google Meet

Please join me on Saturday April 6th, 1-3PM for a Free Authentic Poetry workshop: As Wild As The Forsythia

Sponsored by The Prattsville Art Center & Residency, NY!

The untamed forsythia awakens the eye with its brightness. What if you could be as wild and as glowing as its flowers? In this workshop we will allow ourselves to be as wild on the page. Enjoy guided meditation, visualization, poetry reading, creative writing with prompts, Sharing. Poetry from the East & West will create lively group discussions. We will explore poems from Frances Chung, Billy Collins, Don Mee Choi, Mary Mackintosh, Virginia Shreve and others. No writing & meditating experience necessary, just an open wild mind! Register by writing to

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The Poet's Journey: From Aloneness to Connectedness -Free on Google Meet!
10:00 AM10:00

The Poet's Journey: From Aloneness to Connectedness -Free on Google Meet!

The Poet’s Journey from Aloneness to Connectedness is an Authentic Poetry workshop which allows us to honor our journey of being born alone as human beings and to find our way to connectedness as poets with all that is in our surroundings and beyond. World known poets: Wendell Berry, Arlene Gay Levine, David Whyte, Derek Walcott do remind us in their generous writings how lonely the journey can be, yet we get offered many chances to discover and create a common bond.

Enjoy Guided Meditation, Poetry from world known poets, creative writing with prompts, sharing & group discussion in a welcoming gentle atmosphere! All writing levels welcome! No previous meditation experience necessary! Welcome to our circle!!! register by writing to




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Traveling with The Fortunate Ones -  Free Authentic Poetry Workshop
1:00 PM13:00

Traveling with The Fortunate Ones - Free Authentic Poetry Workshop

Traveling with The Fortunate Ones - Saturday March 16th workshop - 1PM- 3PM EST on Google Meet!

Sponsored By Prattsville Art Center, NY

Who are they the fortunate ones? Do they live in total bliss? Do they not know any suffering? Discovering the poetry of Robinson Jeffers, Rabia of Basra, Alberto Rios, Anthony De Mello and other world known poets & spiritual figures will shine their light on who can be seen as the fortunate ones. 

Travel the path to determine for yourself whether they are indeed fortunate and where you stand in the realm of this discussion.

During the two hours of this workshop you will enjoy guided meditation relevant to the topic, Reading poems from world known poets on this topic, Be inspired to write with creative prompts, Become more in tune & aware of your body. Reflect, Share your own inner voice, Engage in discussion with other participants. No previous writing or meditating experience necessary. All are welcome to experience the process of Authentic Poetry! Register by writing to Jerrice at

Register now! Space is limited. Looking forward to welcoming you into our circle! Joy, Jerrice J. Baptiste

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